Tuesday, April 3, 2012

When God Smacks You in the Face

Alright, so he doesn't smack. God doesn't deserve to be turned in for child abuse. Actually, he loves us pretty incredibly deeply- infinitely -and I think that's deep enough for me. So, no, God doesn't really *smack* you in the face, but sometimes he gives you a revelation that's so obvious you think you might have been smacked.

I had one such revelation this weekend: perseverance. Before you close out this tab, though, and think, "Lame. Old topic. There is just not anything new here," allow me to set you straight: There is nothing new here, but I want to shed some new light on it. In just a few moments you will be done, and maybe you'll have some new inspiration to keep going.

The first thing I'd like to recommend is a book called, The Traveler's Gift. This book, of all the boatloads of books that I've read, has by far been one of the most inspiring and refreshing. Andy Andrews takes the reader on a crazy journey through time with a man who's not so sure he wants his life anymore, or if his dreams ever can become realities. In the process, seven phenomenal truths are laid out that will absolutely change your life forever if you take them to heart. As you might have guessed, perseverance is incorporated in there. But, since I don't want to spoil anything, I'll move right along to the next thing that stunned me: the Bible.

If you are at all familiar with the Gospel of John, you'll know that it is one power-packed book. I've been reading through it over the past few days, but one passage shocked me a little, simply because of it's profound truth: "I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.” (John 4:38)

Wow. We get the benefit of those who have gone before us, and all we have to do is reap! So, why shouldn't we persevere? 

One final thing hit me, and it hit me hard: Jesus isn't giving up, so why should we? This was one of the main points of the sermon our pastor gave on Sunday. Essentially, he showed us our desperate need as sinners for a king, and presented the method of the King in saving us: the Gospel. Finally, he encouraged us, letting us know that our God isn't a quitter. He's not giving up. This battle may rage on, and be miserable, brutal, and cruel, and still our God will not quit. Simply put in the winsome words of Winston Churchill, "If you're going through hell, keep going."

I don't know what you are facing today, whether it's a joyous spring break, the death of a friend, a dream on the verge of breaking, or a dream just beginning to sprout, but whatever it is, embrace it, and keep going. Build that dream and run with it. Write that book. Travel to the ends of the world. But, as Winston Churchill (again ;D) said, "Never, never, never, never give up."


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