Barack Obama has shown himself these past four years to be a man whose word we cannot trust. Read anything about Benghazi, name it, and he's missed the mark. His politics are politics in every sense of the word. He says we will have increased self-governance, but more government institutions have been activated. He claims we are united, but pursues it only in greater government. A contradiction to his previous claim? Just maybe. He pleads that we will have a stronger military, yet cuts our military budget millions. He screams "freedom," and denies it to the youngest of us all. His cry? We must pursue our dreams and be united. Yet the past four years have been years of dissension and economic downturn.Take it or leave it, President Obama has let the nation down.
Everyone knows the facts. If all we can do is keep looking at the overhanging past, though, and the dark future, we have no hope. In that case, freedom really is a lost cause, because freedom can only be lost when you cease to pursue its dream. No, leaving behind the American dream is not an option, and that's why over the next four years, Americans must pursue it with intensified passion.
Barack Obama will increase government dependency. Americans must create new jobs, and fight the debt cycle.
Barack Obama will encourage medical malpractice. Americans must seek the justice of the people, no matter the cost.
Barack Obama will make hard deals with foreign nations. Americans must rise above such low standards in their relations within the state.
Then America will stand closer to the American dream. And when we do, maybe we'll start to realize that Barack Obama isn't all he says to be -- in fact, he's worse. But, if we dare to face injustice in the eye, calling it what it is, and doing everything in our human power to oppose it, we might just see the light. Justice cannot be suppressed forever: evil is weak. The American people are not.
For me, I'm going to go ahead and get my college degree. I'm going to pursue the good of the people. And, moreover, I'm going to see Americans realizing their true identity: not world-changers, world-makers. Together, under God's omnipotent hand, America really can become and remain the greatest nation in all the world. But, it's going to take some help.